Example Formal Letter by Me
SMA Negeri 2 Cibinong
Telephone (0251)8654333
Cibinong, January 27th 2018
No : 27/SMAN 2Cibinong/01/2018
Attachment :
Subject :
To :
Parent/ student guardian
With Respect,
To increase the
student creativity of SMA Negeri 2 Cibinong. We intend to hold an event that
can explore creativity. Like: smart meticulous history, scientific experiment,
reciting poetry, decorate the classroom, sing and play a regional musical
intrumen, etc. Guided by the teacher.
The event will be held on:
Date :
February 3th – February 7th 2018
Time :
8 Am - end
Place :
SMA Negeri 2 Cibinong
Please participate in the cost to
support the event, and we hope students follow the event. Thank for your
Known by the Principal Chief
Signature Signature
Ade Supriyadi Syifa Farihah
Example 2
Bogor. January 27th 2018
Rudi Irawan, S.E
Karya Abadi
KSR Dadi Kusmayadi street No. 26
Bogor, Indonesia
Dear Mr. Rudi
Irawan, S.E.
To celebrate a sucessful project of our company,
through this letter we from company Trubus Jaya invite manager og Karya Abadi
to attend celebrate and the last preparation meeting.
Will be held on:
Day/Date : Saturday/February 3th 2018
Time : 10 Am – end
Place : Cafe Lemonggrass
We hope that you
will able to come, because we will take the final decision. Thank for your
Chairman of the Committe
Hadinata Pratoni
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